August 18th – 19th Monolith Trailwork

Calling all Alaskan climbers! We need your help for a volunteer trail day at The Monolith in Hatcher Pass on August 18th and 19th. The two goals for this project will be addressing haphazardly developed trails and fixing the erosion that has been getting worse at the bases of a couple of our community’s favorite climbs. Bring your work gloves and work clothes, and maybe even a little climbing gear, and come help climbing have a positive impact on the Monolith! Sign up by e-mail to [email protected] or at the facebook event page here:

A Good Deed

Huge shout out to the climber who took the time and got wet to clean all the debris out of the culvert on Archangel Road! Their efforts stopped the erosion that has been going on this spring as the water ran over the road instead of under, just like it used to not so long ago when this stretch was one of the cruxes on the drive in. This is the kind of stuff we like to see! The road is still closed for now, but the opening has to be getting close! See you out there!

May 5th Seward Highway Cleanup

Thanks to the 21 folks who showed up to the Seward Highway clean up over the Cinco De Mayo weekend! We were able to hit sunshine ridge, party world, goats head, weeping wall, pivot point, crack in the woods, tree fort, Bermuda Triangle and spring fling, and cleaned up about fifteen bags of trash and a bunch of assorted big junk!

We need a logo!

Hey guys! We’re in need of a logo for Climber’s Alliance and of course we don’t have a budget yet to hire a pro agency at this point. Is there anybody out there who would be interested in putting together a logo for us, so we can fill in that corner on our facebook page and have something for people to recognize going forward? Just reply here or shoot us an e-mail at [email protected] and thanks!

Sunshine Ridge Crag Cleanup

Our first little event was a climber cleanup along the Seward Highway last  weekend. We cleaned up sunshine ridge for a few hours after a quick climb of it. There were four of us and one gentleman who was walking by asked if we had a bag and ended up helping us pick up garbage for an hour.

Hi guys!

Well it’s 2018 and we’re off to a start. Keep an eye out here and follow us on Facebook for updates on what projects we’ll be taking on this season to make climbing better in Alaska. As we get closer to summer we’ll have more updates on goals for the group to accomplish this season, which will include invitations and information on how you can get involved and help take care of the places we love! If you want to know more or have some input, shoot us an e-mail at [email protected]