Summer Schedule 2025

CASA is working hard to get ready for the 2025 climbing season, and we have officially scheduled our summer events! Please mark your calendar and keep an eye out on our socials for any changes or updates. We will also be sending out invitations to each event through the email list, so if you’re not already, sign up to be on the email list here.

We are looking for volunteers for the May fundraiser, the Ladies’ Crag Day, and the Seward Highway trash clean-up. Please email us at [email protected] if you’d like to volunteer!

  • 4th Annual Spring Fun-raiser
    • May 9th, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Join us at the Alaska Rock Gym for a fun-filled evening of climbing and activities. There will be opportunities to win prizes by completing activities, and there will be a raffle as well. The cost to participate will be $20, and raffle tickets start at $1 All proceeds from the event go toward CASA and our summer projects!

Sponsors include but are not limited to:
Alaska Rock Gym
Kaladi Brothers Coffee
Access Fund

  • Hatcher Pass Community Boulder Day
    • June 28th, 11 a.m.

CASA is hosting a Community Bouldering Day in Archangel Valley on Saturday, June 28th. Meet at the outhouse at 11 a.m. and we will disperse to boulders depending on attendance and interest. This was a super fun event last year, and we are excited to host it again. Come prepared to climb all day (layers for any weather, water, and snacks!) and bring a crash pad if you have one!

  • Ladies’ Crag Day
    • July 16th, 5:30 p.m.

Calling all femme climbers! CASA is getting the girls together to climb and lift each other up (wink, wink) for an evening. We will meet at 5:30 p.m. Location TBD. All experience levels are welcome! Bring shoes, a harness, and a helmet.

  • Annual Seward Highway Trash Cleanup
    • August 14th, 6 p.m.

Every year we gather in the Sunshine Ridge parking lot on the Seward Highway to pick up trash at Sunshine Ridge and the surrounding crags, as well as on the roadside and around the parking area. Depending on attendance, we would also like to disperse and visit the other crags in the area. CASA provides trash bags and gloves! Bring appropriate footwear, dress for the weather, and let’s be good stewards of the earth!

Cinco de Dyno 2023

It’s official! Our 2nd annual Cinco de Dyno Fundraiser is happening at the Alaska Rock Gym on Friday, May 5th! This fun, community-based competition and fundraiser consists of three contests: the dyno comp, crate stacking, and the keg hang. Try your hand at one, or compete in all three!


This will be our second year of putting on a super fun, community event in order to raise both money and stoke for the summer season, so come hang out! We’ve got beer donated by Moose’s Tooth, snacks, and lots and lots of raffle prizes from Moon Climbing, Petzl, Metolius Climbing, Kaladi Brothers, the Access Fund, and more!

Last year we raised over $1,500 for our summer projects, which were mostly focused on erosion control and alder management around the Monolith area in Hatcher Pass.

There is a $15 minimum donation to participate in the contests (any or all!), and raffle tickets are $5 each. ARG will be providing discounted day passes to nonmembers, so you have no excuses — Come hang out with us, Friday, May 5th, at 6 p.m!

See you there!

Spring 2022 Fundraiser

Who: Climbers Alliance of Southcentral Alaska (CASA)

Climbers Alliance is a coordinated effort among volunteers in our local climbing community to make our crags better through whatever efforts and jobs need to be done. We want to ensure that our crags are not only open and accessible to climbing, but also stay beautiful and well-kept. Climbers Alliance began organizing in late 2017 and formally incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit in January of 2019.

Event sponsors: Alaska Rock Gym, Moose’s Tooth, Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking, and the Hoarding Marmot 


A fundraiser for the Climbers Alliance of Southcentral Alaska (CASA). The fundraiser will include a dyno comp and a crate stacking contest. There will be first place prizes for the men’s and women’s dynos and for the crate stacking. These have been donated by AMH and the Hoarding Marmot. Moose’s Tooth is donating kegs, as well. 

The minimum donation will be $5 in order to participate in the dyno comp HOWEVER there will be a suggested donation of $15. 


At the Alaska Rock Gym on Thursday, May 5 (Cinco de Mayo!!) from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m.


The Climbers Alliance is a non profit, and the board has been volunteering both time and money to complete our projects. While we are still happy to do so, it is not a sustainable path for this organization. As our projects and goals get bigger, we need more funds to complete them. We love doing trail maintenance and keeping our crags sustainable and clean, but we also want to be able to protect access, which may require purchasing property or paying legal fees. 

The whole point of this event will be to get together, celebrate the start of the outside season, and raise money for CASA.

2021 Seward Highway Cleanup! June 5th, 10am-6pm

Come join the Climbers Alliance for our annual Seward Highway Cleanup! Every year climbers get together to clean up the crags along the Seward Highway. Most of this trash may not be from climbers, but by cleaning it up in good faith, we help maintain clean crag and recreational areas for everyone.

We will also be doing trail work, including revegetation and erosion control, on the trail to Glak’s Place. As traffic increases at this highly accessible and fun highway crag, we want to make sure that our impact on the land is minimal.

We’ll be there all day, so stop by when you can! Park at Sunshine Ridge and we’ll provide the gloves and bags. See you there!

To all of our climber friends:

As Anchorage now has confirmed community spread of the COVID-19 virus, practicing safe social distancing and following the instructions of the government and health care workers is more important than ever in our community.   

The Anchorage Mayor has issued a “Hunker Down” order  (EO-3) indicating that:  “Everyone in the municipality of Anchorage should stay home as much as possible, except to (…), and to get fresh air without contacting others.  On the limited occasions when individuals leave home, they should maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from any person outside their household whenever possible. …” (FAQ on that order here)

There is a great disparity in how people view the issue and how seriously they are treating it. I don’t know the right response. What I do know is that we SHOULD take this seriously for at least the next 2-3 weeks, and possibly for much much longer. The risk present is worth being careful. So what does being careful mean?  Does it mean not going climbing at all? That is up to you to decide within the confines of the law, but here are a few ways to make going as safe as possible. 

#1 Wash your hands and bring hand sanitizer with you.  Use it before and after climbing. 

#2 Climb with members of your household or with a single partner.  No social climbing groups.  

#3 If there are other people in the area you were intending to climb, go somewhere else. 

#4 If you go somewhere that you find others have been or you unexpectedly come in contact with someone outside your household, self isolate afterward. The CDC recommends a quarantine period of 14 days from the last date of exposure for Corona viruses. Symptoms should generally show by that timeframe. If you show symptoms or a positive test in that window, SHARE that information. There are multiple online forums to share it, and if you’re worried about being shamed online, contact me and I’ll post it anonymously. People need to know!!!

#5 Be safe.  As in be far safer and risk averse than normal. This applies to driving, the approach, the climbs you choose, etc. The healthcare system as a whole is about to be overwhelmed. Don’t add to it. 

#6 Don’t post about it. It’s important for all of us to maintain our sanity, but posting pictures and videos without context leads to misinformation. Others may assume the wrong thing.  While part of that is on them, part of it is on you. Just don’t post it!!!!!! 

Our climbing community here in Anchorage is unique in that we have a small enough crag/climber ratio that we can climb and still practice social distancing.  Throughout so much of the country this is not possible, and climbing has become a health rick in those areas prompting shutdowns and response from authorities.  We hope that by the end of this pandemic, the climbers in Anchorage and Alaska can be proud that they took the proper precautions to not amplify the impact of this virus.   

Thank you for reading this and I’m confident that we all get through this together. 

Todd Helgeson
Climbers Alliance of Southcentral Alaska

2019 Spring Cleaning in Archangel Valley

Well the weather was average, but the people were excellent! Thanks to everybody who showed up for the Archangel Road cleanup yesterday in Hatcher Pass! The climbers in this community are top-notch, we even had a couple who showed up and hauled out a whole pickup full of trash before they learned there was an organized cleanup going on!

Oh, and the other important news: Archangel Road is open! Have fun out there everyone.

2019 Archangel Road Spring Cleaning

CASA is hosting a spring cleanup along the length of Archangel Road! Bring yourself and some decent work clothes and help clean up the winter’s accumulated litter and debris. We’ll be meeting up at noon on June 8th at the Archangel Road pulloff on Fishhook Road, and deploying groups up the length of Archangel Road. CASA will provide trash bags and gloves and vehicle trash hauling, so all we need from you are ready hands and smiling faces! Contact us if you have questions, and we hope to see you there.

2019 Seward Highway Spring Cleaning!

Join us on April 27th, 2019 for a day of cleaning up trash at some of the popular climbing areas on the Seward Highway.

We will meet at 10:00am at Sunshine Ridge and smaller groups will be assigned to other areas. We will provide bags and gloves.

Monolith Trailwork Success!

We had an amazing turnout for this trail renovation and base stabilization project at The Monolith in Hatcher Pass. Many thanks to the State Parks and the land owner, as well as the Alaska Rock Gym, Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking (AMH), Black Diamond, the Access Fund, and last but definitely not least all of the awesome volunteers who showed up to move heavy stuff around on steep slopes! With everybody in this together we managed to make some changes and hopefully really reduce the negative impacts of climbers at this super popular crag.

Check out the photos on facebook here!